T'ai Chi Ch'uan Book Recommendations

The people who are studying Tai Chi Chuan instead of
saving money are planning to beat us up and take our stuff when we're
Scott Adams The Dilbert Future: Thriving on Stupidity
in the 21st Century
- Chen, David C.
When Yin Meets Yang...Words of Wisdom on Taijiquan Practice.
Published in Taiwan. 2006
- Chen Pan-ling. Chen Pan-ling's Original Tai Chi Chuan Textbook (Tai
Chi Chuan Chiao Tsai). Transliterated by Y.W. Chang. Translated by Y.W. Chang
and Ann Carruthers. New Orleans, Louisiana: Blitz Design, 1998
- Chen Wei-Ming. T'ai Chi Ch'uan Ta Wen: Questions and Answers on
T'ai Chi Ch'uan. Translated by Benjamin Pang Jeng Lo and Robert W. Smith.
Berkeley, California: North Atlantic Books, 1985
- Chen, William C.C. Body Mechanics of Tai Chi Chuan: For the Art of
Self-Defense. New York, New York: William C.C. Chen, 1973 [1989 and later
printings have additional material.]
- Cheng Man Ch'ing. Cheng Tzu's Thirteen Treatises on T'ai Chi
Ch'uan. Translated by Benjamin Pang Jeng Lo and Martin Inn. Berkeley,
California: North Atlantic Books, 1985
- Cheng Man Ch'ing. Master Cheng's New Method of Taichi Ch'uan
Self-Cultivation. Translated by Mark Hennessy. Berkeley, California: Frog,
Ltd., 1999
- Cheng Man Ch'ing. T'ai Chi Ch'uan: A Simplified Method of
Calisthenics for Health and Self Defense. Videotape. Ashville, North
Carolina: Cho-San Inc., 1996 [A compilation of two short films made of
Professor Cheng, not an instructional video.
- Cheng Man-ch'ing, and Smith, Robert W. T'ai-Chi: The "Supreme
Ultimate" Exercise for Health, Sport, and Self-Defense. Rutland, Vermont:
Charles E. Tuttle Co., 1967
Davis, Barbara. The Taijiquan Classics: An Annotated Translation Including
a Commentary by Chen Wei-ming. Berkeley, California: North America
Books, 2004
- Diepersloot, Jan. The Tao of Yiquan: The Method of Awareness in
the Martial Arts. Volume 2 of the Trilogy, Warriors of Stillness: Meditative
Traditions In The Chinese Martial Arts. Walnut Creek, California: Center
For Healing & The Arts, 1999
- Fu Zhongwen. Mastering Yang Style Taijiquan. Translated by
Louis Swaim. Berkeley, California: North Atlantic Books, 1999
- Gallagher, Paul B. Drawing Silk: A Training Manual for T'ai
Chi. Guilford, Vermont: Deer Mountain Taoist Academy, 1987. New and revised edition published as Drawing Silk: Masters' Secrets for Successful Tai Chi Practice. BookSurge Publishing, 2007
- Jou Tsung Hwa. The Tao of Tai-Chi Chuan. Rutland, Vermont;
Charles E. Tuttle Co, 1980
- Kuo Lien-Ying. Unpublished Chinese manuscript translated by Guttmann.
The T'ai Chi Boxing Chronicle. Berkeley, California: North Atlantic
Books, 1994
- Lo, Benjamin Pang Jeng. Professor Cheng Man Ch'ing's Simplified
T'ai Chi Ch'uan (37 Postures). Videotape. San Francisco, California:
Universal T'ai Chi Ch'uan Association, 1991 [As one of Ben's students I admit
to a certain degree of prejudice, but this is the only "Short Form"
instructional video I ever recommend.
- Lo, Benjamin Pang Jeng; Inn, Martin; Amacker, Robert; and Foe, Susan.
The Essence of T'ai Chi Ch'uan: The Literary Tradition. Richmond,
California: North Atlantic Books, 1979
- Lowenthal, Wolfe. There Are No Secrets: Professor Cheng Man-ch'ing
and his Tai Chi Chuan. Berkeley, California: North Atlantic Books, 1991
- Lowenthal, Wolfe. Gateway to the Miraculous: Further Explorations
in the Tao of Cheng Man- ch'ing. Berkeley, California: Frog, Ltd., c/o
North Atlantic Books, 1994
- Ma Yueh-liang; and Zee Wen. Wu Style Taichichuan Tuishou
(Push-Hands). Hong Kong: Shanghai Book Co., 1986
- Pang, T.Y. [Tze Yau]. On Tai Chi Chuan. Bellingham,
Washington: Azalea Press, 1987
- Smith, Robert W. Chinese Boxing: Masters and Methods. New
York, New York: Kodansha International, 1974
- Wang Peisheng; and Zeng Weiqi. Wu Style Taijiquan A Detailed
Course for Health and Self-Defense and Teachings of Three Famous Masters in
Beijing. Hong Kong: Hai Feng Publishing Co., 1983
- Wang Xuanji. Dachengquan. Hong Kong: Hai Feng Publishing Co.,
- Wile, Douglas. Compilation and translation. Cheng Man-Ch'ing's
Advanced T'ai-Chi Form Instructions: With Selected Writings on Meditation, The
I Ching, Medicine and the Arts. Brooklyn, New York: Sweet Ch'i Press,
- Wile, Douglas. Compilation and translation. T'aichi Touchstones:
Yang Family Secret Transmissions. Brooklyn, New York: Sweet Ch'i Press,
- Wile, Douglas. Compilation and translation. Lost T'ai-chi Classics
from the Late Ch'ing Dynasty. Albany, New York: State University of New
York Press, 1996
- Wu Ying-hua; and Ma Yueh-liang. Wu Style Taichichuan: Forms,
Concepts and Applications of the Original Style. Hong Kong: Shanghai Book
Co., 1988
- Yang Chengfu. The Essence
and Applications of Taijiquan. Translated by
Louis Swaim. Berkeley, California: North Atlantic
Books, 2005
- Zhang Yun. The Art of Chinese Swordsmanship: A Manual of Taiji
Jian. New York: Weatherhill, 1998
- Zhang Yun; Ho, David; Capell, Peter; Darley, Susan. The Taijiquan Classics: The Essential Translation and Explanation with Commentary on History and Culture. North American Headquarters: Yin Cheng Gong Fa Association, 2016
Lee N. Scheele
Mesa, CA